Attività Congressuali

Dott.ssa Roberta Ienca

Report, XXVII Simposio Associazione Onlus Roberto Farini (Verona) “Pallone intragastrico nel trattamento dell’obesità” Roberta Ienca.


Oral presentation, XXIV National Congress SICOB (Italian Society of Bariatric Surgery) Rome “Ottimizzazione del calo ponderale nei pazienti con pallone intragastrico mediante inserimento di una dieta proteica VLCKD: risultati preliminari” Emanuele Soricelli, Roberta Ienca, Ilaria Ernesti, Giovanni Casella, Massimiliano Cipriano, Alfredo Genco.


Poster presentation, XXXVII National Congress SINU (Italian Society of Human Nutrition) “Studio clinico randomizzato (RCT), in crossover, in doppio cieco, sull’efficacia della Very Low Calories Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) vs Very Low Calories Diet (VLCD) in soggetti obesi affetti da emicrania:
risultati preliminari.” R. Ienca; S. Sodano; C. Di Lorenzo; A. Pinto


Poster presentation, 24th European Congress on Obesity, May 17-20, Porto 2017– Portugal “A New Swallowable Intragastric Balloon for Weight Loss Not Needing Endoscopy: Early Experience in Combination with a VLCKD” Roberta Ienca; Ilaria Ernesti; Giovanni Casella; Davide Francomano;
Massimiliano Cipriano; Alfredo Genco


Oral presentation, National Congress SISC 1-2 December 2017 Rome “The Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet in the clinical practice” Roberta Ienca, Simona Sodano


Oral presentation, IFSO-EC Atene 17-19 Maggio 2018: “Elipse® Swallowable Intragastric Balloon + Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD): A Novel Strategy to Optimize Weight-Loss and Minimize Side Effects” Ienca R, Giardiello C, Schiano di Cola R


Oral presentation, ECO-EC Vienna 23-26 Maggio 2018: “Does a Virtual Follow-Up (FU) Program Enhance Weight-Loss Results Post-Elipse Balloon Passage? An Innovative, Digital, and Patient-Friendly Approach” Roberta Ienca, Cristiano Giardiello, Rita Schiano


Oral presentation, IFSO-WORLD 26-29 September 2018 Dubai “Does a Virtual Follow-Up (FU) Program Enhance Weight-Loss Results Post-Elipse Balloon Passage? An Innovative, Digital, and Patient-Friendly Approach” Roberta Ienca, Cristiano Giardiello, Rita Schiano


Oral presentation, IFSO WORLD 26-29 September DUBAI “New, improved nausea and vomiting controlling regimen, post Elipse® balloon placement” R. Ienca MD, C. Giardiello MD, A. Scozzarro MD, S. Migliaccio MD, F. Badiuddin


Poster presentation, IFSO-WORLD 26-29 September 2018: “Elipse® Swallowable Intragastric Balloon + Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD): A Novel Strategy to Optimize Weight-Loss and Minimize Side Effects” Roberta Ienca, Cristiano Giardiello, Rita Schiano


Allurion Symposium presentation “Nutritional Management and Digital Follow-Up with Elipse™” 26- 29 September 2018, Dubai. Ienca R


Poster Presentation Obesity Week November 11-15, 2018 – Nashville, Tennessee “Expanding the Reach of Intragastric Balloons: “First Multicenter Results of Elipse Balloon in Non-Core User Groups” Ienca Roberta MD, Rosa Michele MD, Selvaggio Corrado MD, Jose Maria Alvarez MD, Carmen Zafra Md, Carmen Alfaro MD, Mante Aldaguer MD, Galen Shi MD


Oral Presentation, EASO 28 April-01 May 2019 – Glasgow, Scotland. “Elipse Intra-gastric Balloon: Finally, a New Tool against Obesity for Non-Endoscopists” Ienca R., Rosa M., Selvaggio C., Gregorio
V., Aldaguer M.; Alfaro M., Alvarez O., Shi G.


Oral presentation, 24th World Congress of IFSO | 3-7 September 2019, Madrid. Multicenter Experience with the Elipse Procedureless Gastric Balloon in Obese Adolescents. R. Ienca; M. Jarallah; A. Caballero; C. Giardiello; G. Quartararo; Al Kuwari


Oral presentation, 24th World Congress of IFSO | 3-7 September 2019, Madrid “Does Sequential Elipse Balloon Treatment Augment Weight Loss:
Safety and Efficacy in 30 Overweight and Obese Patients” R. Ienca; A. Caballero; S. Kolmer; G Juneja; S. Murcia; M. Al Kuwari


Oral presentation, 24th World Congress of IFSO | 3-7 September 2019, Madrid “The Procedureless Elipse Gastric Balloon Program: Multi-Center Experience in 1770 Consecutive Patients” R. Ienca; M. Jarallah; A. Caballero; C. Giardiello; M. Rosa; A.Scozzarro; S. Kolmer; H. Sebbag; J. Hansoulle; G.
Quartararo; S. Al Samman Zouaghi; G Juneja; S. Murcia; R. Turro; Pagan; F. Badiuddin; J. Darjent; P. Urbain; S. Paveliu; R. Schiano di Cola; C. Selvagggio; M. Al Kuwari. Selected as Top 10 oral abstracts article of the congress.


Poster presentation, 36th ASMBS Annual Meeting at ObesityWeek in Las Vegas “Does Sequential Procedureless Gastric Balloon Treatment Augment Weight Loss”: Safety and Efficacy in 30 with Obesity or Overweight” R. Ienca; A. Caballero; S. Kolmer; G Juneja; S. Murcia; M. Al Kuwari


Oral presentation, 36th ASMBS Annual Meeting at ObesityWeek in Las Vegas “Multicenter Experience with the Procedureless Gastric Balloon in Adolescents with Obesity” R. Ienca; M. Jarallah; A. Caballero; C. Giardiello; G. Quartararo; Al Kuwari


Oral presentation, 36th ASMBS Annual Meeting at ObesityWeek in Las Vegas “Procedureless Gastric Balloon for Weight Loss: Multi-Center Experience in 1623 Consecutive Patients” have been accepted as Oral Presentations” R. Ienca; M. Jarallah; A. Caballero; C. Giardiello; M. Rosa; A.Scozzarro; S. Kolmer; H. Sebbag; J. Hansoulle; G. Quartararo; S. Al Samman Zouaghi; G Juneja; S. Murcia; R. Turro; Pagan; F. Badiuddin; J. Darjent; P. Urbain; S. Paveliu; R. Schiano di Cola; C. Selvagggio; M. Al Kuwari. Selected as Top 10 oral abstracts article of the congress.


Poster Presentation, 37th ASMBS Annual Meeting 2021 “Innovative Swallowable Gastric Balloon for Weight Loss Studied in Patients Younger Than Eighteen Years: a Multicenter Study” R. Ienca et al.


E-Poster presentatio n, The Obesity Society Annual Meeting at ObesityWeek® Interactive 2021 “Emerging Role of the New Swallowable Gastric Balloon in Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes Treatment” R. Ienca et al.


Participation at V International Congress of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Chile 2022 as a Keynote speaker “Emerging Role of the New Swallowable Gastric Balloon in Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes Treatment” and “Does Sequential Allurion Gastric Balloon System Augment Weight Loss: Safety and Efficacy in 42 Overweight and Obese Patients” R. Ienca


E-Poster Presentation, EASO 2022 in Maastricht “The Evolution of Allurion Program for Long Term Weight Loss: from Virtual Monitoring to a Virtual Care Suites” R. Ienca et al.


Oral Presentation, IFSO 2022 in Miami “Elipse Gastric Balloon System for Weight Loss: Short and Long – Term Multicenter Results in 509 Patients after Balloon Treatment, and 1 year after Balloon Passage” R. Ienca et al.


Poster Presentation, IFSO 2022 in Miami “Allurion Gastric Balloon Program is an Emerging Novel Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes” R. Ienca et al.


Oral presentation, The Obesity Society Annual Meeting in San Diego 2022 “The Swallowable Gastric Balloon Program: Global Experience in 3716 Patients” R. Ienca et al.
